Designed for Success

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Success is something we all want. We want to reach our goals in every aspect of our life, not just in health and fitness. However, it's easy to let life knock us down and interfere with our dreams. We forget that we are capable of finding success or even forget that we had big dreams to begin with. Life can get so busy with the day to day obligations that we look up from the chaos and realize that life is passing us by and we haven't accomplished anything. Life shouldn't be that way! We are designed for success. God wants us to be successful in every area of our lives and that includes our health. I love this verse in Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  God wants us to prosper. He doesn't spell out the areas of our life that he wants that to occur, because he means every area of our lives, including our health.

We are given everything we need to succeed. It is in us, buried deep inside. We all have it. The only thing that sets apart the ones that find success and the ones that don't are what they do with it. The ones that loose weight, reach their big goals, and continue to live a healthy lifestyle have acquired the skills to make it happen. God wants us to find success but we can't just pray away 50lbs. We have to learn how to do it and get to work. The money we need to pay our bills and buy groceries doesn't just show up at our door every month, we have to go out, find a job and do the work. The same principle applies to our health. We have to learn new skills and invest in our self in order to make that happen. You are the best investment you can ever make. As women we feel that it is wrong to take resources away from our families to take care of ourselves, but I can assure you that a healthy happy woman is the BEST investment your family can make. As women we have the amazing opportunity to care for our family, our friends, and our community. However, we tend to put ourselves on the back burner. Please don't underestimate your value. When you are well taken care of you are able to better take care of the ones you love. You are worth the time and investment to take care of yourself.  You my dear are designed for success! 

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