Just not feelin' it

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Five thirty am comes awful early when you've been up all night with a sick kid. Heck, 5:30am comes early when you haven't been up with a sick kid! Staying on track and dedicated to my schedule definitely has it's ups and downs. There are weeks when I'm on it! I pop out of bed when the alarm goes off, ready to tackle my day. I feel strong and unstoppable. Then, there are weeks like the one I'm in now. My alarm goes off and I roll back over and snooze. When I do get up I'm unfocused and unmotivated. All of a sudden my Big goals don't seem so important and I find myself slacking. How is it possible to go from awesome-ness to slacker in a matter of just a week?! This is what I've learned.. this health and fitness journey we are on has many highs and lows. It's just apart of the journey. Just like anything else, there are bumps in the road and detours and some days.. you just aren't feelin' it. The question is.. what do you do when you just aren't feelin' it?!

The answer to that question is.. We Do It Any Way! It may not be perfect, it may be crumbled and messy, but we make our way and we move forward. Often times, at least for me, the weeks that I struggle the most I find that the temptations are harder to resist; temptations to be lazy, to eat what I shouldn't and to simply roll over and go back to sleep. Did you know that the bible tells us that we don't have to fight temptation alone? 1 Cor 10:13 says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." This is our fighting chance when it comes to those temptations! God promises us that on those days where our bodies want to fall to temptation, he will help us. He will provide us a way out. We just have to do our part and Move. Invite Him in to your heart and ask Him for His help to resist the temptations you are struggling with and keep moving forward, even if it's messy and not perfect. Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." I love this verse! Isn't it a great reminder to know that our God is full of grace? His compassion never fails. He loves us and every day we get a fresh start! I am so thankful for that.

My dear friend, life is messy.. and it's hard. There are days where nothing is going to go our way and we will fall to those temptations. Don't let those mistakes keep you from moving forward. Don't let your feelings dictate your success. When you just aren't feelin' it... do it any way! Your body doesn't know the difference between being excited  or hating your workout, it just knows you are moving. So, get up, get out and do what you need to do to move forward. So what if it's messy, God is right there beside you ready to brush you off and put you back on your feet! Great is His Faithfulness! Through Him we can do anything!

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