I got a text at 5:42 this morning. It was my mother reminding me of something I had forgotten to do. My first thought was "ugh... I should have muted my phone" (haha, love ya mom!) then that yuck feeling hit where I realized I'd messed up and had, in fact, totally forgot. The reality of the fact that I'm still working on balance and keeping my priorities in check hit. I'm a work in progress. So, I got out of bed, did what I needed to do, and opened up my devotional. What was the topic today? Balance and priorities. I love how God shows up just when we need him. I loved this specific quote from my readings today:
"God's miracles are all around, reminding you that He will take care of you and He is in control. Your part is to plan effectively so you don't spend too much time worrying." - Lysa TerKuerst.
I found this to be terribly true, how much time do I spend worrying or stressing over my own lack of planning? How many times do us women overbook our schedules and end up stressing over the logistics of it all, rather than enjoying all the activities we said yes too? Anyone else feeling convicted on that? I know I am. We take on SO much. We say YES to our friends, our kids, our jobs.. and the next thing we know we are pouring ourselves into bed and we've taken very little time that day to take care of ourselves and the things that truly matter the most.
Out of curiosity I did a little research on what the bible says about finding balance in our life and the common theme I found was this.."But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."(Matthew 6:33) The bible tells us the key to true balance and keeping our priorities in check starts with God. His plan is one that will truly bring us joy and peace. I love what Romans 12:2 says on this topic, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of
your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what
is good and acceptable and perfect." You see, when we seek Him first and include Him in our daily lives, He will guide us and direct us down the path that is good, acceptable and perfect. We never have to wonder if we are on the right path if we let God guide us. So, my fellow busy moms, lets take a step back from our crazy busy lives and take time to quiet our thoughts and spend time in prayer with our Father in heaven. Lets ask Him what he wants us to do and what we can give up, then lets be brave enough to drop some activities that don't line up with the priorities that God has placed on our hearts. WE can do this, and who knows.. we may just be amazed at the ways God will move in our lives when we take the time to do the things that HE considers most important.
♡ this.
ReplyDeleteA thought dawns on me while moving though my morning. How ours lives are really linked together. When one of us is a little off balanced it effects others. Could it be we are here to balance each other? I think this subject is more deeper than just putting balance in our lives for ourselves. Everyday at work I deal with customers that waited too long to order a part and they come to us stressed and needing us to rush for them. Which puts stress on us and throws us off schedule. I wonder what life would feel like if we all worked on balancing our life and how it might actually help others stay on track. My point is we are all connected. Thank you April for this blog. I truly feel it is helpful and something we all need to think about and to work on.