The challenge

Friday, November 7, 2014

Addictions. Unhealthy habits. Those are some ugly words. I mean really... I joke often that I'm all about "butterflies and rainbows". My heart is so sensitive. I don't take pleasure in watching shows like COPS or other similar shows portraying the lives of people living the "tough" life. It's so easy to separate myself from those people with addictions and unhealthy habits. After all, my life is a far cry from the Rock n Roll lifestyle. I'm as vanilla as they least I am these days. ;) Well, leave it to God to put me in my place and remind me that I'm not so different. God's been working on my heart and revealing to me my own addictions and unhealthy habits. And sure, I may not be addicted to illegal drugs or pornography but in God's eyes all addictions are the same. You see.. maybe this "butterfly and rainbow" kinda girl isn't any different than anyone else. I'm human and that means I sin and have my own addictions and unhealthy habits.

If you were being honest, what are your addictions and unhealthy habits? We all have them. For me, I'm addicted to sugar, specifically the chocolate kind, and my cell phone. Up until recently I couldn't go a day without some kind of sweet treat. I needed to get that fix. As for my cell phone, it always has to be in arms reach. I don't know how many times I check that dang phone a day. Email. Facebook. Email. Facebook. It's like I'm waiting on some life or death message to arrive. It's unhealthy yet how come I can't get my face out of my phone? You see.. compared to illegal drugs it doesn't seem so bad. Many of you may have even laughed when you read that I was ONLY addicted to sugar and my cell phone.. but can't the two be destructive just the same? The bible warns us to not have these unhealthy attachments. The bible actually refers to it as an idol (Exodus 20:3-6). And sure... they aren't little golden images that we bow down and worship to.. but they do capture our hearts and if we aren't careful we can place them as a higher priority than our God, and that is when it becomes destructive.

God has challenged me to get these two issues in my life in check, yet each day I'm reminded of how weak I am and how difficult it is to do it. I am having to rely on God's strength more and more, yet when I ask He always shows up and I know He'll do the same for you. So, today lets examine our heart and let God point out areas in our life that we need to get back into balance. We will be happier and Blessed for it! Will you accept the challenge today?!

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