Today is the morning of my husband's military graduation. It's been a grueling 5 weeks for him and a very lonely and challenging 5 weeks for the boys and I. As I type this, 5 weeks sounds like nothing. As a military wife, 5 weeks IS nothing. We see our guys come and go and we miss them, but life is life and it continues. We stay busy and before we know it we are welcoming them back into our arms. This time has been very different. As I prepare to watch my husband graduate and celebrate his incredible accomplishment, I can't help but look back over the past 5 weeks and just feel worn and just plain ol' tired. I can safely say my husband feels the same way, probably much more so. We've made it to graduation day and I am praising God for his never ending faithfulness. During these five weeks He has shown up. He has given me what I needed daily to get to this point and has continuously reminded me of his unconditional love for me and my family. We have seen prayers answered and blessing beyond those prayers given. I asked God to show up big in our lives and He did.
Last night as I layed next to my husband for the first time in way too long, I found myself worrying about the next step. This is just the half way point for us. We have another six plus weeks ahead of us, this time I'll be carrying the load as I transition me and the boys to our new home and take on the task of unpacking our household goods while juggling the mommy life and homeschooling. I know I can do it and last night I was reminded of that. In the darkness and among my prayers, God whispered this verse to my heart, "You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, Shall revive me again, And bring me up again from the depths of the earth. You shall increase my greatness, And comfort me on every side." Psalm 71:20-21. The word revive sticks out so boldly to me in this verse. The word revive means to give new strength or energy to. I don't know about you, but it times of struggle I yearn to be revived, to be given a new strength, to have more energy, to be refreshed. This has been God's promise to me since the day we began this transition and today I look forward to the next step. This morning I am comforted and at peace. God's got this. No need to worry.
I know that the military life is a strange concept for some, there are so many weird acronyms, customs and courtesies.. and why in the world would anyone want to move every 2-3 years?! You may not get it and that's okay. I don't even get it some days, but I think no matter what, we can all agree that sometimes life is hard. Sometimes we come up against obstacles and go through transitions that challenge our inner most beings. We wonder if we'll make it through to the other side as we anxiously pray and hope for just enough strength to get to the next day. Military or civilian, it's human struggle that we all have in common. So whether you are in the middle of a struggle, going through your own transition or even sailing the calm blue seas, my prayer for you today is that you find peace in God's promise you to. God will see you through to the other side. He will not only get you there but He will revive you, restore you and comfort you along the way. There is no need to worry. Let Him be the source of your strength and watch him doing amazing things in YOUR life. Today is a great day!